Who Watched Mahabharat 16 times?

Imagine witnessing the epic battles of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata not just once but multiple times. Such is the tale of Kakabhushundi, a revered sage of India

 The word “KAKA” in Sanskrit means crow. The sage transformed himself into a crow to tell the story, so he is called “KAKABHUSHINDI."

 Kakabhushundi is immortal and has been living for many Kalpas. One Kalpa (one cosmic cycle) is 4.32 billion years and 12 hours of Lord Brahma, the creator.

 Every Treta Yuga, Kakabhushundi goes to Ayodhya as a crow. He lived there for five years, watching the excited child Ram trying to catch him.  .

According to Vedas and Puranas, Kakabhushundi has witnessed 11 Ramayanas and 16 Mahabharata. He will continue to live in his eternal form till the end of the Kalpa. It was Lord Ram who made Kakabhushundi eternal.

According to Vedas and Puranas, Kakabhushundi has witnessed 11 Ramayanas and 16 Mahabharata. . It was Lord Ram who made Kakabhushundi eternal.

He is one of the Chiranjivis on the earth. “Chiranjivis “means immortals who did not leave the earth. Instead, they chose to stay in the world and help us till the Kali Yug.

 Ramayan happened during Treta Yug and Mahabharat happened during Dvapara Yuga. Kakabhushundi witnessed the course of periods including Treta Yug and Dvapara Yug again and again.

 According to Kakbhushundi, only four of his births were fruitful because he took the refuge of an enlightened saint only during these births.

Click the link for full story of Kakabhushundi