Nakshatras – The Basis of Hindu Astrology (27 Nakshatras)

The Nakshatras or lunar constellations hold deep importance in Hindu Astrology.

In fact, the movement of the Moon gives rise to the concept of Nakshatras.

There are 27 Nakshatras.

Today, we discuss Nakshatras as described in Hindu Vedic Astrology.

The Nakshatras are closely related to the Moon and so with the mind and emotions. It is the name given to the constellations or mansions of the Moon.

Moreover, the word ‘Nakshatra’ is a Sanskrit term that is used to describe the constellation of stars.

It is made of the root words ‘Naksha’ meaning sky and ‘Tra’ meaning region.

So, it translates into Sky Map.

According to the Vedic Astrology, the 27 Nakshatras and not the 12-star signs were used to understand the celestial influences on our planet.

The 27 Nakshatras are used to map the sky. Each Nakshatra consists of 13º and 20 minutes of the zodiac.

When we multiply this length by 27, it gives us the entire zodiacal belt of 360 degrees.

The 27 Nakshatras or 27 Constellations are 300 to 400 light years away from earth.

Based on the positioning of Nakshatras at the time of birth, predictive analysis is done in Hindu Astrology.

Understanding Nakshatras

The Nakshatras or lunar constellations are deeply connected to the Moon and its myriad of expressions.

In fact, the Moon changes signs (houses) roughly every 2.3 days. So, in 28 days, the Moon moves through all the 12 signs of the zodiac.

It takes two weeks for a waxing (bright half) moon and two weeks for a waning Moon (dark half).

The Hindu Astrology relates Moon to our intuition, intelligence, mind, and emotions.

It emphasizes on the fact that the “Moon parts” within an individual are ever changing and are governed by the endless movement and change of the Moon.

It goes on to say that the movement of the Moon is connected to the twenty-seven Nakshatras.

In fact, the Moon is considered to be the Lord of the all the Nakshatras.

The Vedic Astrology divides the entire zodiac (360 degrees) into 13.2 degrees of arc per Nakshatra.

According to Hindu Mythology, the Nakshatras were created by Daksha and so are personified as daughters of the deity.

They have been figured as the mythological wives of Chandra, the Moon God.

Each of the Nakshatra is governed as ‘lord’ by one of the nine Graha in the following sequence: Ketu, Shukra, Surya, Chandra, Mangala, Rahu, Brihaspati, Shani, and Budha.

The cycle is repeated three times to cover all 27 Nakshatras.

Nakshatras - The Basis of Hindu Astrology
Image Credit: Kishorekumar 62

The lord of each Nakshatra is used to describe the planetary period known as the ‘Vimshottari Dasha’ and forecasts the life path of the individual.

The Hindu Rishis who discovered the concept of Nakshatras have said that they are the pranic or life force in nature and determine the nature’s pranic flow at any given time.

They can be seen as natural forces and mental/emotional tendencies.

Nakshatras are a vital part of Vedic astrology. They are used for accurately and specifically making predictions.

To put it in simple words, the zodiac in Hindu Astrology comprises of 360 degrees.

It has 27 Nakshatras or constellations in it.

The value of each constellation comes to 13 degrees and 20 minutes.

The 27 Nakshatras go on to complete the full circle of 360 degrees of the zodiac.

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The Use of Nakshatra in Traditional Hindu Names

According to Hindu Astrology, a child’s first name should correspond to his or her Nakshatra.

When a child is named, considering the Nakshatra, it has a wholeness effect within the child.

The technique of deducing the name is to find out which Nakshatra the moon is positioned during the birth of the child.

It gives four possible sounds. In fact, one needs to pick up the sound to the Padas or division of the Nakshatra at the moment of birth.

Each Nakshatras has four Padas, and each of these Padas has a unique sound associated with it.

So, a child is named using the ascendant’s Nakshatra.

List of 27 Nakshatras


Below you can find the basic understanding of each Nakshatra.

One can look the natal Moon Nakshatra in his or her Jyotisha Chart and find it out in the list below:

1. Ashwini

The Lord Ketu rules Ashwini.

Its symbol is Horse’s head.

The presiding deities are the Ashwin twins, Sasra and Satya, who are physicians to the Gods.

It is associated with Healing and rejuvenation. The Ashwini Nakshatra brings about quick aid and energization. It can bring about fast, radical, and miraculous cures.

Its Indian Zodiac is 0° – 13°20′ Mesha.

2. Bharani

It is ruled by the Lord Shukra (Venus).

Its symbol is “Yoni,” the female organ of reproduction.

The presiding deity is Yama, the god of death. It brings self-control, and restraint as well as death and transformation. It is a figure for discipline and sacrifice.

Its Indian Zodiac is 13° 20′ – 26°40′ Mesha.

3. Krittika

It is ruled by the Lord Surya (Sun).

Its symbol is knife or spear.

The presiding deity is Agni, the god of fire. It offers brightness, clarification, sharpness, and quickness.

Its Indian Zodiac is 26°40′ Mesha – 10° Vrishabha.

4. Rohini

It is ruled by Lord Chandra (Moon).

Its symbol is cart or chariot, temple, banyan tree.

The presiding deity is Brahma or Prajapati. It represents creativity and culture. It bestows great fertility.

Its Indian Zodiac is 10° – 23°20′ Vrishabha.

5. Mrigashirsha

It is ruled by Lord Mangala (Mars).

Its symbol is Deer’s head.

The presiding deity is Soma, Chandra, the Moon God. It exemplifies friendliness, comforts, growth, and joy.

Its Indian Zodiac is 23° 20′ Vrishabha – 6° 40′ Mithuna.

6. Ardra

Lord Rahu rules Ardra.

Its symbol is a teardrop and a human head.

The presiding deity is Rudra, the storm God.

It represents destruction, emotional upheaval, natural diseases, and sickness.

Its Indian Zodiac is 6° 40′ – 20° Mithuna.

7. Punarvasu

It’s ruled by Lord Guru (Jupiter).

Its symbol is bow and quiver.

The presiding deity is Aditi, mother of the gods.

She symbolizes abundance, compassion, protection, learning, and expansion.

Its Indian Zodiac is 20° Mithuna – 3°20′ Karka.

8. Pushya

It is ruled by Lord Shani (Saturn).

Its symbol is Cow’s udder, lotus, arrow, and circle.

The presiding deity is Brihaspati, priests of the Gods.

It exemplifies wisdom, awareness, and ritual.

Its Indian Zodiac is 3°20′ -16°40′ Karka.

9. Ashlesha

It is ruled by Lord Buddha (Mercury).

Its symbol is a serpent.

The presiding deity is Nagas, deified snakes.

It manifests overconfidence, intense research, healing, and transcendence.

Its Indian Zodiac is 16°40′ – 30° Karka.

10. Magha

Lord Ketu rules Magha.

Its symbol is Royal Throne.

The presiding deities are the Pitrs, family ancestors.

It manifests masculine energy, a sense of duty, ancestral connection, and authority.

Its Indian Zodiac is 0° – 13°20′ Simha.

11. Purva Phalguni

It is ruled by Lord Shukra (Venus).

The symbol is front legs of the bed.

The presiding deity is Bhaga, god of marital bliss & prosperity.

It represents wealth and luck. It manifests love, and relationship, affection, and sexual passion.

Its Indian Zodiac is 13°20′ – 26°40′ Simha.

12. Uttara Phalguni

It is ruled by Lord Surya (Sun).

Its symbol is four legs of the bed.

The presiding deity is Aryaman who is the god of patronage and favors. He offers health, bodily strength, and sustenance. He presides over marriage, family, and children.

Its Indian Zodiac is 26°40′ Simha- 10° Kanya.

13. Hasta

It is ruled by Lord Chandra (Moon).

Its symbol is Hand or Fist.

The presiding deity is the Sun God.

He represents awareness, illumination, knowledge, and insight.

Its Indian Zodiac is 10° – 23°20′ Kanya.

14. Chitra

It is ruled by Lord Mangala (Mars).

Its symbol is pearl or shining jewel.

The presiding deity is Vishwakarma, the celestial architect.

It represents planning, construction, ornamentation, and reconstruction.

Its Indian Zodiac is 23°20′ Kanya – 6°40′ Tula.

15. Swati

The Lord Rahu rules Swati.

Its symbol is a shoot of a plant.

Its presiding deity is Vayu, the Wind God.

It represents strength, power, and movement.

Its Indian Zodiac is 6°40′ – 20° Tula.

16. Vishakha

It is ruled by Lord Guru (Jupiter).

Its symbol is potter’s wheel.

The presiding deity is Indra, the chief of gods.

It represents both political and spiritual power.

Its Indian Zodiac is 20° Tula – 3°20′ Vrishchika.

17. Anuradha

It is ruled by Lord Shani (Saturn).

Its symbol is a lotus.

The presiding deity is Mitra, who manifests friendship and partnership.

Its Indian Zodiac is 3°20′ – 16°40′ Vrishchika.

18. Jyesththa

It is ruled by Lord Buddha (Mercury).

Its symbol is a circular amulet, earring, and umbrella.

The presiding deity is Indra, the chief of gods.

Its Indian Zodiac is 0° – 13°20′ Dhanus.

19. Mula

Lord Ketu rules Mula.

Its symbol comes as a bunch of roots that are tied together, elephant goad.

The presiding deity is Nirrti, goddess of dissolution and destruction.

Its Indian Zodiac is 0° – 13°20′ Dhanus.

20. Purva Ashadha

It is ruled by Lord Shukra (Venus).

Its symbol is Elephant Tusk, fan, and winnowing basket.

The presiding deity is Apah, god of Water. It is connected to emotions, searching, and rejuvenation.

Its Indian Zodiac is 13°20′ – 26°40′ Dhanus.

21. Uttara Ashadha

It is ruled by Lord Surya (Sun).

Its symbol is elephant tusk, small bed.

The presiding deity is Visvedevas, universal gods.

It represents Dharma, nobility, and good character.

Its Indian Zodiac is 26°40′ Dhanus – 10° Makara.

22. Sravana

It is ruled by Lord Chandra (Moon).

Its symbol is Ear or Three Footprints.

The presiding deity is Vishnu, the preserver of the universe.

It represents wisdom, expansion, and open-mindedness.

Its Indian Zodiac is 10° – 23°20′ Makara.

23. Dhanishta

It is ruled by Lord Mangala (Mars).

Its symbol is drum or flute.

The presiding deity is Eight Vasus, representing earthly abundance. It brings wealth and shining fame.

Its Indian Zodiac is 23°20′ Makara – 6°40′ Kumbh.

24. Shatabhisha

Lord Rahu rules Shatabhisha.

Its symbol is an empty circle or a charm.

The presiding deity is Varuna, god of cosmic waters.

It represents discrimination and judgment.

Its Indian Zodiac is 6°40′ – 20° Kumbh.

25. Purva Bhadrapada

It is ruled by Lord Guru (Jupiter).

Its symbol is swords, two-faced man, and front of a funeral cot.

The presiding deity is Ajikapada, an ancient fire dragon.

It stands for purification and penance.

Its Indian Zodiac is 20° Kumbh – 3°20′ Meena.

26. Uttara Bhadrapada

It is ruled by Lord Shani (Saturn).

Its symbol is back legs of a funeral cot.

The presiding deity is Ahir Budhyana.

It is connected with the sub-conscious mind.

Its Indian Zodiac is 3°20′ – 16°40′ Meena.

27. Revati

It is ruled by Lord Budha (Mercury).

Its symbol is fish or a pair of fish.

The presiding deity is Pushan, the protective deity.

He offers guidance and protection and brings nourishment and prosperity to him.

Its Indian Zodiac is 6°40′ – 30° Meena.


With this, we have reached the end of this presentation on Nakshatras. We hope that you have now understood the concept of Nakshatras in Hindu Astrology.

We have listed the 27 Nakshatras.

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