Lord Brahma Why Creator God is Not Worshipped

Lord Brahma is regarded as the Creator God in Hinduism.

In fact, Brahma is the first god in the Hindu triumvirate or Trinity, the other two being Vishnu and Shiva.

The triumvirates are responsible for the creation, upkeep, and destruction of the universe.

While Brahma is the creator of the universe and all beings, Vishnu’s role is to preserve the universe, and Shiva goes on to destroy it to re-create.

Triumvirate God - Trinity

Although Lord Brahma features among the Trinity, He is not as popular as Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma is more found in scriptures than in homes and temples.

Moreover, Brahma is hardly worshiped by the Hindus. There are only very few temples that are dedicated to Lord Brahma. One such temple of Lord Brahma is located at Pushkar in Rajasthan, India.

Brahma has four faces.

It is believed that from these heads the four Vedas were created, the most ancient religious texts of the Hindus. So, Brahma is the creator of the four Vedas.

Brahma has four arms and is often depicted with a beard.

He holds no weapons. Rather, he is portrayed with symbols of knowledge and creation.

In one of his hands, Brahma holds the sacred Vedas, in the second he holds mala (rosary beads) that symbolizes time, and in the third, he holds a sruva or shruk for feeding the sacrificial fire, and in the fourth, he holds a kamandalu.

He sits on a lotus and dressed in white, pink or red.

His vehicle (Vahana) is Hansa, swan, or goose – nearby.

Brahma’s wife is Saraswati, goddess of arts, knowledge, and wisdom.

Lord Brahma is also known as Swayambhu (self-born), Vāgīśa (Lord of Speech).

Brahma is usually identified with the Vedic God Prajapati.

He is even linked to Kama and Hiranyagarbha (the cosmic egg).

Brahma is prominently mentioned in the Puranas and also in the post-Vedic Hindu epics.

In fact, several Puranas have shown that Brahma emerged from a lotus that is connected to the navel of Lord Vishnu. However, some Puranas suggest that He is born from Shiva or his aspects.

That said, Hindu mythology has maintained that Brahma is a supreme god that is responsible for the creation of the world.

He is regarded as the manifestation (saguna) of the otherwise formless (nirguna) Brahman, the supreme God force present within all things.

How was Lord Brahma Created?

Brahma is believed to have come from Lord Vishnu.

Moreover, Brahma was born out of the belly of Lord Vishnu.

In fact, according to the Puranas, नारायणात् ब्रह्मा जायते

It means that Brahma comes from Vishnu.

In several Lord Vishnu’s images, Vishnu is shown to be reclining on serpent Adishesha. A lotus is shown to be emerging from his belly button on which Brahma is sitting.

Lord Brahma

That is how Brahma was born.

However, the late Vedic texts have described the existence of a distinct deity named as Brahma. He has been pictured as one of the many masculine Gods in Hindu mythology.

Moreover, the Shiva-focused Puranas have described Brahma (as well as Vishnu) to have been created by Ardhanareeshwara form of Lord Shiva that is half Shiva and half Parvati.

So, Brahma was born from Rudra.

According to Bhagavata Purana, Brahma emerges at the moment when time and universe is born, inside a lotus that is rooted in the navel of Vishnu (Hari).

In Skanda Purana, Goddess Parvati has been described as the “mother of the universe.” She started with creating Brahma, other gods, and the three worlds.

According to Brahma Purana, Brahma was born out of a golden egg called as the Hiranyagarbha. Hence, he is also called as Swayambhu.

Why does Brahma sit on a Lotus Flower?

Lord Brahma is usually associated with the lotus flower.

Typically, Brahma is portrayed seated on a lotus flower.

In fact, the Padma (sacred lotus) plays a central role in Indian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.

The lotus flower is a symbol of divine beauty and purity. For example, Lord Vishnu has been described as the “Lotus-Eyed One.”

In Hindu mythology, lotus flower springs from the navel of Lord Vishnu while he is in Yoga Nidra. Lord Brahma is seated on this lotus flower.

Its unfolding petals are suggestive of the expansion of the soul.

It symbolizes the purity of the body, speech, and the mind.

Brahma seated on the lotus flower signifies that he is free of all attachment and desires. Like drops of water easily slide of the petals of a lotus flower, so anger, desire, lust, and other evils do not bother the deity Brahma who remains detached from all these evils.

So, Lord Brahma seated on a lotus flower signifies the highest form of Brahman with purity of heart and mind.

Who is the Wife of Brahma?

Lord Brahma had two wives namely Saraswati and Gayatri.

Here, we detail in the story of how Brahma got married to them.


According to descriptions found in the Puranas, Lord Brahma divided his body into two parts. The female part took the form of Saraswati.

As Saraswati emerged from Brahma’s body, logically she is the daughter of Brahma.

However, Brahma was fascinated by her beauty and wanted to marry her.

Saraswati got irritated from the attention of Brahma and tried to escape from him. But Brahma followed Saraswati wherever she went.

This display of passion by Brahma angered Saraswati, and she cursed Brahma that he will be worshiped in very few temples.

Eventually, Brahma was successful in convincing Saraswati to marry him. He told her that through them all the living beings would be created.


Once upon a time, Lord Brahma was to perform a Yagna.

He required the presence of his consort to complete the ceremonies.

Saraswati failed to arrive at the Yagna ceremony.

This angered Brahma so much that he asked the priest to fetch him any woman and marry him to her on the spot.

At that time, Adishakti incarnated in the form of Gayatri who was then married to Lord Brahma.

When Saraswati arrived and saw that Brahma had married someone else, she cursed him saying that henceforth he would be only worshiped at Pushkar.

Lord Brahma’s Sons and Daughter

Lord Brahma had ten sons and one daughter.

At first, Brahma created the four Kumara or the Chatursana. However, they refused to procreate and devoted themselves to Lord Vishnu.

Then, Brahma created ten sons or Prajapatis. All these sons were born out of the mind of Brahma rather than the body. They are referred as “Manas Putras.”

The names of his sons have been listed below:

  • Marichi Rishi
  • Atri Rishi
  • Angiras Rishi
  • Pulaha Rishi
  • Pulutsya Rishi
  • Krathu Rishi
  • Vashishta
  • Prachethasa
  • Bhrigu
  • Narada Muni

The name of Brahma’s daughter was Shatrupa. In fact, Shatrupa was the first woman to be created by Brahma. In fact, Shatrupa was the female portion of Brahma.

Lord Brahma’s Vehicle

Lord’s Brahma’s vehicle is a divine Swan.

It has been bestowed with a virtue called as “Neera-Ksheera Viveka” or the ability to separate milk and water from the mixture of the two. It teaches us that we should have the discretion or the power to distinguish good from the evil. We should accept whatever is valuable and discard whatever is worthless or evil.

Lord Brahma’s Vehicle

Lord Brahma Temple

There are only a very few existing temples dedicated to Lord Brahma in India.

The Jagatpita Brahma Mandir situated at Pushkar in the Indian state of Rajasthan is the most prominent among them.

The structure belongs to the 14th century.

Sage Vishwamitra originally built the temple after the Yagna ceremony performed by Brahma. It is said that Brahma himself chose the location of his temple.

The Adi Guru Shankaracharya renovated the temple in the 8th century CE.

Maharaja Jawat Raj of Ratlam constructed the current medieval structure.

The temple has been made using marble and stone slabs. It has a distinct red pinnacle and a Hansa bird motif. The sanctum sanctorum of this Brahma temple has the idol of four-headed Brahma along with his consort Gayatri.

Hundreds of thousands of devotees visit the Brahma temple at Pushkar in the Hindu month of Kartik (November) and take a dip in the sacred lake.

Lord Brahma Temple

The other Lord Brahma temples in India are as follows:

  • Asotra Brahma Temple, Barmer, Rajasthan
  • Brahmapureeswarar Temple, Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu
  • Adi Brahma Temple, Khokhan, Kullu Valley
  • Brahma Karmali Mandir, Panaji, Goa
  • Brahma Temple, Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu

Why Is Brahma Not Worshipped?

Lord Brahma is among the Holy Trinity of Hinduism (that comprises of three most powerful Gods – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva). However, Lord Brahma is never worshiped.

Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva are worshiped all over the world by the Hindus.

There are no festivals dedicated to Lord Brahma, and neither does he has any re-incarnations.

Ever wondered why?

Lord Brahma is known as “Creator God.”

All the living beings on Earth are believed to have been originated from Brahma. He is the God of Wisdom and the creator of the Holy Vedas.

In spite of all these merits, Lord Brahma is never worshiped by anyone.

The Puranas have the answer to this.

Let’s find out why anyone does not worship Brahma.

Curse of Shiva

Once Brahma and Vishnu were entangled in an argument as to who was the greater of the two.

The argument was so heated up that Lord Shiva had to intervene.

He took the form of a gigantic lingam that extended from the heaven to the underworld. The Lingam declared that if any of them could detect the beginning or end of the lingam, He would be recognized as the greater of the two.

Both Brahma and Vishnu agreed to this and set out in opposite directions of the lingam to detect its beginning or end.

They kept on searching for years and realized that the lingam had no end or beginning.

Vishnu realized that Lord Shiva was the greatest among the Trinity.

However, Brahma was bent upon to trick Shiva.

As Brahma was searching the end of the lingam, he passed the Ketaki flower at the uppermost part of the lingam.

Brahma requested the Ketaki flower to declare before Shiva that he had reached the uppermost end of the lingam.

The Ketaki flower agreed to do as told by Brahma.

The Ketaki flower testified before Shiva that Brahma had reached the uppermost end of the lingam.

Lord Shiva got furious at this lie.

He cursed Brahma that any human being would not worship him. Shiva also cursed the Ketaki flower that it would not be used in any ritual or puja ceremony.

Hence, Brahma was cursed by Shiva not to be worshiped by any human being.

Curse of Saraswati

According to one of the legends, Lord Brahma created Goddess Saraswati. However, he became overpowered by her eternal beauty.

Saraswati did not wanted to be associated with the carnal desires of Brahma.

She tried to escape from Brahma.

However, Brahma went on to follow her wherever she went.

Finally, Saraswati became so angry with Brahma that she cursed him that anyone on Earth would not worship him.

So, Brahma is not worshiped by the Hindus.

Lord Brahma Images

Lord Brahma is the “Creator God” in Hinduism.

He is among the Trinity that comprises of three powerful Gods – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Here, we share some of the Lord Brahma images.

Lord Brahma Images

Lord Brahma Image

Lord Brahma Photo

Lord Brahma Wallpaper

Lord Brahma Wallpapers

Lord Brahma is recognized as God of Wisdom in Hinduism.

He is the creator of Vedas.

Although Brahma is not worshiped by the Hindus, still He holds an important place in Hinduism. It is believed that Brahma has created all the living beings.

We hope that the post has enlightened you about Lord Brahma.

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