Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra to Cure Eyesight

Here, we share with you Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra to Cure Eyesight. This mantra is very powerful and can be used for curing Eyesight. It is used for getting relief from eye diseases and for attaining brilliant vision.

You simply need to read or chant the mantra. It helps to enhance the vision, and the eyes become brilliant.

The Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra is addressed to Lord Surya. It is prayed to Lord Surya to help me overcome my bad karma from the past life, instill good vision in my eyes, and cure all my eye diseases.

Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra

The Hindus believe that the Sun (Lord Surya) is the source of all life and energy on the planet Earth. It gives strength to the eyes. The Vedic Rishis knew this secret and came upon this powerful Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra for curing eye troubles.

It is believed that one who reads this Upanishad daily will never suffer from eye diseases. There will be no one in his family who will be blind.

The payer ends by saluting Lord Mahavishnu.

The mantra should be recited during Sun-rise early in the morning. It is recommended that you should recite this mantra 28 times daily to get more and quicker effect.

You should take a bath and be an empty stomach.

You should keep a copper tumbler full of water before you while reciting this mantra. When you complete the recitation, you should drop two drops of water on each eye and consume the remaining portion. This activity should be done daily once you complete the recitation.

The water gets charged with the vibrations of the mantra. In fact, the aqua-phonetic vibrations are absorbed in the water, which has a potential curative effect on the eyes.

The Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra should be recited continuously for 48 days (One Mandalam = 48 days). If the effects are minimum, then continue the chanting for another 48 days. For best results, the mantra chanting should be continued for 3 Mandalam. The recitation should be started on Sunday.

Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra

The Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra is as follows:

Asyah chakshushi vidyah
Ahirbudyna rushih gayatri chandah suryo devatha chakshu roga nivruttaye viniyoga
Om Chakshush Chakshush Chakshush tejah sthiro bhav, maam paahi paahi,
twaritam chakshurogaan shamaya shamaya
mam jaataroopam tejo darshay darshay,
yathaaham andho na syaam tathaa kalpay kalpay,
kalyaanam kuru kuru,
yaani mama poorva janmopaarjitaani Chakshush
sarvaani nirmoolay nirmoolay |

Om namashchakshu shtejodaatre divyabhaaskaraay,
Om namah karoonaakaraayaamrutaay,
Om namo bhagavate shree suryaay akshitejase namah,
Om khecharaay namah, mahate namah,
rajase namah, tamase namah,
asato maa sadgamay, tamaso maa jyotirgamay,
mrutyormaaamrutam gamay,
ushno bhagavaan shuchiroopah hanso bhagavaan suchir pratiroopah |

Ya imam chakshushmatim vidyam
Brahmano nitya madheeyathe
Na tasya akshi rogo bhavathi
Na tasya kule andhor bhavathi

Ashtow brahmanan graha itva
Vidya siddhir bhavathi

vishvaroopam ghranitam jaatvedasam hiranyamayam jyotiroopam tapantam |
Sahastrarashmih shatadhaa vartamaanah purah prajaanaam udayatyesh
suryah ||

Om namo bhagavate aadityaay akshitejase-aho vaahini aho vaahini
swaahaa |


ॐ अस्याश्चाक्षुषीविद्याया अहिर्बुध्न्य ऋषिः, गायत्री छन्दः, सूर्यो देवता, ॐ बीजम् नमः शक्तिः, स्वाहा कीलकम्, चक्षुरोग निवृत्तये जपे विनियोगः

चक्षुष्मती विद्या

ॐ चक्षुः चक्षुः चक्षुः तेज स्थिरो भव।
मां पाहि पाहि।
त्वरितम् चक्षुरोगान् शमय शमय।
ममाजातरूपं तेजो दर्शय दर्शय।
यथा अहमंधोनस्यां तथा कल्पय कल्पय ।
कल्याण कुरु कुरु
यानि मम् पूर्वजन्मो पार्जितानि चक्षुः प्रतिरोधक दुष्कृतानि सर्वाणि निर्मूलय निर्मूलय।
ॐ नमः चक्षुस्तेजोदात्रे दिव्याय भास्कराय।
ॐ नमः कल्याणकराय अमृताय। ॐ नमः सूर्याय।
ॐ नमो भगवते सूर्याय अक्षितेजसे नमः।
खेचराय नमः महते नमः। रजसे नमः। तमसे नमः ।
असतो मा सद गमय। तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय। मृत्योर्मां अमृतं गमय।
उष्णो भगवान्छुचिरूपः। हंसो भगवान् शुचि प्रतिरूपः ।
ॐ विश्वरूपं घृणिनं जातवेदसं हिरण्मयं ज्योतिरूपं तपन्तम्।
सहस्त्र रश्मिः शतधा वर्तमानः पुरः प्रजानाम् उदयत्येष सूर्यः।।
ॐ नमो भगवते श्रीसूर्याय आदित्याया अक्षि तेजसे अहो वाहिनि वाहिनि स्वाहा।।
ॐ वयः सुपर्णा उपसेदुरिन्द्रं प्रियमेधा ऋषयो नाधमानाः।
अप ध्वान्तमूर्णुहि पूर्धि- चक्षुम् उग्ध्यस्मान्निधयेव बद्धान्।।
ॐ पुण्डरीकाक्षाय नमः। ॐ पुष्करेक्षणाय नमः। ॐ कमलेक्षणाय नमः। ॐ विश्वरूपाय नमः। ॐ श्रीमहाविष्णवे नमः।
ॐ सूर्यनारायणाय नमः।। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः।।
य इमां चाक्षुष्मतीं विद्यां ब्राह्मणो नित्यम् अधीयते न तस्य अक्षिरोगो भवति। न तस्य कुले अंधो भवति। न तस्य कुले अंधो भवति।
अष्टौ ब्राह्मणान् ग्राहयित्वा विद्यासिद्धिः भवति।
विश्वरूपं घृणिनं जातवेदसं हिरण्मयं पुरुषं ज्योतिरूपमं तपतं सहस्त्र रश्मिः।
शतधावर्तमानः पुरः प्रजानाम् उदयत्येष सूर्यः। ॐ नमो भगवते आदित्याय।।
।।इति स्तोत्रम्।।

Optional verses:

Om vayah suparnaah upasedurindram, priymedhaa rishayo naadhamaanaah |
apa dhvaantamoornuhi poordhi chakshuh, mumugdhyasmaannidhayev
baddhaan ||

Om pundareekaakshaay namah, Om pushkarekshanaay namah,
Om kamalekshanaay namah, Om vishvaroopaay namah,
Om shree mahaavishnave namah, Om suryanaaraayanaay namah |

Om shaantih shaantih shaantih ||)

Meaning of Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra

The Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra is in Sanskrit. It is in the form of Stotram and is addressed to Lord Surya. Anyone who recites this Stotra daily with concentration, faith, and devotion gets cured of all eye diseases.

  • Ahirbughnya is the Rishi of this Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra or Chaakshushi Vidya. Mata Gayatri is Chanda and Lord Surya is Devta of this Chaakshushi Vidya. This Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra is recited for removing eye diseases.
  • Lord Surya is called upon to settle in the eyes and cure all eye diseases. He is prayed for protecting you all from all evils and curing eye diseases immediately.
  • Lord Surya is called upon to show you His gold-like luster. He is called upon to show me the light which shows your power. I should not become blind. Protect my welfare and bestow welfare upon my family.
  • Lord Surya, please make me free from all the sins I had committed in my previous births.
  • Lord Surya – you are the cause of creating all light. Please bring luster to my eyes. Om! Lord Surya, you are the bestower of nectar (Amrit). I bow before you, O! Lord Surya.
  • Lord Surya! Remove darkness from my eyes. I bow before you.
  • O! Lord Surya, please lead me to the truth. Bring light into my life. O! Lord Surya, make me immortal from the mortal.
  • O! Lord Surya, you are very pious and pure. You represent heat. Your light is very powerful and beyond any comparison. There is nobody as lustrous as you, O! Lord Surya.
  • Anybody who recites this Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra every day becomes free from eye diseases. He never becomes a victim of any eye disease. Not only that but also nobody in his family will become blind. Anybody who teaches this Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra to eight Brahmins will become very powerful.

Thus here completes this Krishna Yajurvediya Chakshushopanishad or Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra.

So, that’s all in this post on Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra to cure Eyesight. We hope that you would have found this post beneficial.

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