Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotra and its Benefits

Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotra is one of the most powerful Vedic Hymns, which explains the thousand (1000) names of Lord Vishnu. In this post, you’ll come to know about Vishnu Sahasranāma and its Benefits.

Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotra is also known as Venkateshwara Sahasranamam Stotram. It is found in the 149th chapter of Anushasanika Parvam in the Great Epic Mahabharata.

Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotra

The famous warrior Bhishma Pitamah taught the Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotra to Yudhistira, the eldest of Panch Pandavas.

However, there is another version of Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotra that is found in the Padma Purana. It is regarded as a major Purana in Hindu mythology.

We must tell you that the Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotram found in the Mahabharata is the most popular version.

In fact, Sahasranama means 1000 names. So, Vishnu Sahasranamam contains 1000 names of Lord Vishnu. Here, the number “thousand” is symbolic of myriad or numerous.

It is believed that by chanting the Lord’s 1000 names, one can achieve his/her goals and invite happiness, prosperity, and health in one’s life.

By chanting the Lord’s names, one can get rid of our obsessions with the world. One can experience a form of Mukti or freedom.

We can even progress on the path towards salvation and can attain “Moksha” in our lives. We become one with the Almighty and can achieve the “Supreme Self.”

By uttering the sacred names of the Lord, one can begin his/her journey towards spirituality. So, reciting Vishnu Sahasranāma will make you a better person. It burns away man’s sins.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says,
Constantly praising me and striving to reach me with firm resolve and offering obeisance to me, brings me closer to my devotees.

So, when you utter the Lord’s names, you get the blessings of Lord Vishnu. The Puranas say that the name “Hari” of Lord Vishnu has tremendous power to remove sin. Reciting the name of the Lord is known as Nama Jaap. It can be performed at any time.

According to the Vishnu Purana, by chanting God’s names in Kaliyuga, one can attain true happiness, freedom, and Moksha. It is the easiest and the most effective way to attain the blessings of the Lord.

Bheeshma himself says that chanting the Vishnu Sahasranamam or even listening to it can remove sins and make one fearless. One can go beyond sorrow by praising the Lord. Bhagwan Vishnu is the embodiment of happiness.

Here, we share with you some different names of Lord Vishnu:

  • Hari
  • Sriman
  • Srinivas
  • Sripathi
  • Madhava
  • Lakshmipati
  • Govinda
  • Damodara
  • Mukunda
  • Janardana

These names of Lord Vishnu spread tremendous positive energy around you, making your life happy and fruitful.

What is the meaning of Vishnu Sahasranamam?

In Vishnu Sahasranamam, Lord Vishnu is being remembered by 1000 names, attributes, or epithets. It is a type of devotional literature that contains songs of praise dedicated to Lord Vishnu.

The word is a compound of “Sahasra,” meaning thousand, and “Namam,” meaning name. So, Venkateshwara Sahasranamam means 1000 names of Lord Vishnu. It has a list of attributes, virtues, and legends that are symbolized by Lord Vishnu.

Who told Vishnu Sahasranāma?

Vishnu Sahasranāma contains thousand names of Lord Vishnu. Just like Bhagavad Gita, Vishnu Sahasranamam is also a part of Mahabharata. It is listed in the Anushasana Parva of section 149, and verses 14 to 120.

It contains a total of 108 shlokas. It has seen authored by Sage Vyasa, who was an extraordinary Sanskrit scholar. Reciting Vishnu Sahasranamam gives calmness and peace of mind.

Vishnu Sahasranamam was imparted by Bhishma to Yudhishtira when the former lay on Kurukshetra’s battlefield grievously felled by Arjuna.

Bheeshma had taken a vow that he would never take up arms against a woman. So, when he saw Shikhandi, Bhishma laid down his arms, presenting Arjuna with an easy target.

(Note: Shikhandi was born as a female but had changed her sex with a Yaksha.)

It was Pandavas’ strategy to disarm Bhishma during the battle because he still considered Shikhandi a woman. The strategy worked, and Bhishma laid down his arms when he was Shikhandi before him.

Now, Bhishma lay on the battlefield on a bed of arrows waiting for his chosen time of death. Bhishma was blessed by his father, Shantanu, that he can choose his time of death.

Yudhistira was confused about the most significant “Dharma” to follow in life. So, he inquired Lord Krishna, who took Yudhistira to the great warrior Bhishma for clarifying his doubts.

Bhishma was lying on his deathbed. Bhishma possessed great wisdom and knowledge. With his death, an era of great wisdom and knowledge would come to an end. So, Krishna advised Yudhistira to seek Bhishma counsel on any or all aspects of life.

The dialogue reflects the essence of Bhishma’s life. Yudhistira asked the following six questions to Bhishma when the latter was lying on his arrow bed. It is with these six questions that the Vishnu Sahasranamam starts:

  • Who is regarded as the greatest Lord in the world?
  • Who is the one refuge for all?
  • By glorying, who can man attain peace and prosperity?
  • By worshipping, who can man reach auspiciousness?
  • What is the Greatest Dharma?
  • By doing Japa of what can creatures go beyond the bonds of Samsara?

Bhishma answered by telling Yudhistira that the one who had brought you here is the greatest Lord, and you must surrender to him. He said that by meditating on His 1000 names, one can attain peace and prosperity and peace and get rid of Samsara’s bonds. Having said this, Bhishma told the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu to Yudhistira, which is known as Vishnu Sahasranamam.

Benefits of chanting the Vishnu Sahasranamam

The Vishnu Sahasranamam is a Sanskrit Vedic hymn (a part of Mahabharata) consisting of the 1000 auspicious names of Lord Vishnu. Here, we have featured some of the main benefits of chanting the Vishnu Sahasranāma Stotram:

  • Chanting Venkateshwara Sahasranamam attracts goodness, bliss, and peace, and above all the blessings of Lord Vishnu
  • Chanting the names of Lord Vishnu helps you to remain focused in life. Each word of the Vishnu Sahasranamam generates enormous energy that helps to boost your concentration power.
  • Regular chanting of Vishnu Sahasranamam helps to maintain good health.
  • It helps to inculcate a sense of gratitude.
  • Vishnu Sahasranamam brings good luck and good fortune.
  • It reduces anxieties and worries. It helps to channel your thoughts towards positivity.
  • It removes problems and obstacles from your life and makes you successful
  • Vishnu Sahasranāma creates a protective armor (known as Kavach) around your body and mind protecting you from your enemies’ evil intentions.
  • Vishnu Sahasranamam helps to absolve our sins.
  • One can move closer to the possibility of gaining Moksha or salvation.
  • It makes your materialistic desires almost nil.
  • It creates a favorable environment at home.
  • Vishnu Sahasranamam enhances your financial resources.
  • It ushers your spiritual growth
  • It gives strength and protection.
  • Chanting Vishnu Sahasranāma leads to the fulfillment of desires

Can ladies chant Vishnu Sahasranamam?

Many Acharyas believe that ladies should not recite Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotram. However, they can listen to the recital by Pundits.

Having said this, nowadays, the recital of Vishnu Sahasranamam has become very popular, and especially women are singing the Stotram. In fact, Smt. M.S. Subbulakshmi has made it extremely popular by singing the Stotram.

And, she is a “Woman”!

Moreover, Sage Vyasa composed Mahabharata (Vishnu Sahasranamam is part of Mahabharata) as the fifth Veda and showered infinite compassion to redeem womenfolk they can also read and imbibe knowledge that is contained therein.

Plus, many Slokam say that none is debarred from listening/reciting the Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotram.

So, the classic view against the recital of Venkateshwara Sahasranamam Stotram by womenfolk has limited acceptance by the Hindu society in general.

Method of chanting Vishnu Sahasranamam

  • First, you should learn the Vishnu Sahasranamam with proper pronunciation. You can take the help of a learned pundit or seek the help of some good YouTube chanting videos.
  • You should use a proper woolen Asana.
  • Take a photo of Laxmi Narayan or best – Shaligram and offer Dhoop, deep, Naivedya, Pushpa, Tulsi leaves, Akshata
  • You should take Sankalp and Viniyog for fulfilling any particular desire
  • Do basic Panchopchar Puja of Laxmi-Narayan
  • Now, you can start the Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotram. It will take from half-hour to 1.5 hours. So, do not hurry!
  • The best time is the morning before sunrise like 5 AM. You can also perform the Vishnu Sahasranāma path in the evening during the sunset. You can even perform the Puja after midnight.

So, that’s all in this post about Vishnu Sahasranamam and its Benefits. We hope that the post proves useful to you. Thanks for visiting.

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